Neal's Snapshot

A Bucharest collaboration with Zece La Rece

NEAL'S SNAPSHOT was a monthly newsletter distributed by ZECE LA RECE from June to December 2019. Each month, I took subscribers on a photographic stroll around one of Bucharest’s patchwork neighbourhoods; sharing my favourite bits to photograph, tips on shooting, and the best places to stop en route for food, drink and entertainment.

Click through to read each episode and see the photos.

Episode 6: Carol I to Hala Traian

As time trickles on, leaving less natural light to play with, it’s worth visiting the main road again. Use the street lighting to capture the city as the night-time atmosphere takes charge: shop windows open portals into a fluorescent world, and pedestrians become mysterious actors in the city’s shadowy theatre.


Episode 5: Piața Victoriei

In the afternoons, this side of Piața Victoriei is gloriously lit by the hazy, low sunlight. If you catch a moment when the traffic has cleared, the backdrop opens up, almost as if the city has emptied and only you, your subject and the sunlight remain. It can be quite breathtaking...


Episode 4: Dorobanți & Floreasca

And suddenly, it’s October. Our last days of warm-ish weather, before the chill of November blows in and those big, furry coats emerge from hibernation. 

But before we reach sezonul vinului fiert, autumn still has something very special to offer – amazing mid-afternoon light; when the sun hangs low and yellow; touching everything with a delicious glow, unique to Bucharest.


Episode 3: Piețele South of Universitate

Happy September Zece la Rece readers! It’s the month so many of us love, when the baking heat of August drifts away, leaving just enough warmth to carry us gently into autumn. It’s the perfect climate for photographing; and chilling in Bucharest’s best spots.

This month we’re hanging out together in the area just south of Universitate, around triunghiul piețelor – Sfantul Gheorghe, Corneliu Coposu and Rosetti.


Episode 2: Eroilor to Piața Revoluției

On a sunny day, is there anywhere better in Bucharest than Parcul Cișmigiu? Kids playing under lumina strălucitoare from the canopy of trees overhead; couples strolling along meandering paths; jumpy puppies meeting and greeting; and all to the soundtrack of pedalos splashing gently across the water.

It’s a great place to shoot, with plenty of enchanting scenery to play with. Particularly when the sun is high, try shooting in black and white to make the most of the shapes and textures created by the shadows.


Episode 1: Piața Romană & Calea Dorobanți

Energised by Balls., stroll up to the crossroads at Bulevardul Iancu de Hunedoara and admire the organised chaos of traffic, trams, people and buildings. 

For a street photographer, big junctions like these are a gold mine–they bring all the action together at a single, fizzy, photographable point. From there, head towards Stefan Cel Mare metro. The boulevard is brimming with activity, so keep your camera ready.


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